Sunday, June 29, 2008


So, here I sit with a too full belly. I've been craving chocolate chip cookies for days. And not just any chocolate chip cookies; homemade, fresh from the oven cookies. The best thing to do would have been to go buy some chocolate chips when I first got the craving, and then made some. Or maybe better than that would have been to eat some carrot sticks since I'm trying to lose weight (but who am I kidding, really).

So today I decided I couldn't wait any longer for cookies. I asked Troy around 7:00 to go get me some cookie dough. Troy is my servant, you know, so I was kind of surprised when he didn't hop right up and run to the store. In fact, he didn't get home with my cookie dough until 9:30.

At this point, the normal person might just wait until tomorrow to bake cookies. And at first I thought I'd be a normal person. Except then I remembered I'm not normal at all. And also, I wanted some cookies, darn it! So I made a dozen cookies. And then I ate one, err . . . a couple. Five. Okay, I ate five!!! And now I feel a little bit sick. I'm not sure if maybe I should start working on being normal after all.


  1. It's sad when you can't eat cookies with reckless abandon anymore. I've hit that point, and I don't like it. I remember back when I was young and could eat a whole plate full of cookies. It's just not right.

  2. Okay, you ate 5, but did you also eat at least 5 cookies worth of dough before you baked them? That would be me...

  3. mmmm now I need freshly baked cookies

  4. That's not too bad. Since I've been pregnant I've had a little thing for chocolate chip cookies. I haven't made any, but I'll get the Chip's Ahoy(the soft chewy kind) and I'll eat eight at a time. I haven't felt sick once.

  5. These cookies were a lot bigger than the Chip's Ahoy ones. But it's good that you haven't felt sick--that't not really a goal to shoot for.

  6. I have this same compulsion take over for no-bake chocolate oatmeal peanutbutter cookies. Sometimes I cannot have all the ingredients in the house at the same time or I will eat myself into oblivion or diarhhea, whichever comes first.
